It cited one case in which Kelly argued that the databank was key to solving a June 4th Brownsville murder, where a man leapt from a car in broad daylight and fired into a van, killing the driver. After witnesses provided the suspect’s name, police discovered that he had been stopped nearby two days earlier, according to the databank summary.
But as the Times noted, “[T]he summary states: ‘Computer checks on the name further revealed a violent criminal history with an address in Brownsville. … Though the governor did not refer to this case specifically, it was one of many examples in Mr. Kelly’s summary in which it was hard to see how the database played a ‘breakthrough role.’”
The News, however, remained unmoved, even after Paterson ended the databank.
“By barring the department from entering names and addresses into an electronic file,” it editorialized last Thursday, “the new law will also prevent the police from using information to identify witnesses to crimes, as well as potential perpetrators. In the last 18 months, police say, the data have contributed to 170 arrests, including for murders, robberies and burglaries.”
SO WHERE WAS THE REV? Where has the city’s loudest racial provocateur been hiding out during the stop-and-frisk databank controversy?
The fact that 90 per cent of people stopped are people of color would have had Al Sharpton shouting to beat the band had the databank been started under Rudy Giuliani.
But, as this practice proliferated under Sharpton’s supposedly old friend Ray Kelly and his new friend, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Sharpton has taken a powder.
So where might the Rev. have been hiding during this period?
1] On Martha’s Vineyard, vacationing with former president Clinton?
2] On the Gulf Coast, vacationing with President Obama and his family?
3] In Bermuda, at Bloomberg’s second [or third or fourth or fifth] home, having been flown down there by Mayor Mike himself?
4] Somewhere in Brooklyn or Manhattan, having grits with Kelly?
THE BRONX NO THONKS. No doubt, that’s what Bernie Kerik’s former buddies, Frank and Peter DiTommaso, are saying these days. They are going on trial there for perjury on Sept. 27th, says Bronx District Attorney spokesman, Steve Reed.
The DiTommaso brothers were the guys whom former police commissioner Kerik fingered as having paid for $165,000 in renovations to his Bronx apartment. Kerik is doing four years in federal prison for, among other crimes, accepting such pricey freebies as these.
That case began before a Bronx grand jury, where the DiTommasos testified they never paid for Kerik’s apartment renovations. This led to perjury charges against them, since Bernie claimed the opposite.