Sharpton talks about NYPD
April 6, 1997
Call Al Sharpton what you will - activist, race-baiter,
charlatan - he speaks for a constituency that includes the poorest, least
educated and those most in need of police protection. That constituency
knows the police as few of us do, and Sharpton, who declared for mayor
on Friday, articulates their feelings in ways few others have.
Here is what he has to say about the NYPD.
On whom he'd appoint police commissioner: "People
think I want a black commissioner, but I would take Ray Kelly."
Sharpton says he and Kelly, police commissioner under
former Mayor David N. Dinkins, worked together in recruiting black cops.
"Ray Kelly raised eyebrows when he had breakfast
with ministers and me to begin the recruitment drive," says Sharpton.
"He enlisted our support. He hired more black cops than were hired
in the history of the city. He's sensitive to the needs of people of the
city. He is the kind of guy who can go from a symposium to a street corner.
Ray Kelly is the kind of guy I would want as police commissoner. I could
live with Ray Kelly." Kelly declined to comment.
community policing, a policy pushed by the Dinkins administration to bring
cops more in contact with the public but abandoned by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
and Commissioner William Bratton as soft on crime-fighting: "I would
re-institute community policing. I believe it worked effectively."
residency: "I would require the police to live in the city. I would
put a referendum on the ballot. The mayor can also have his commissioner
put in test questions that show familiarity of policing within the city
and what goes on in the city. You can also have incentives for police
to live in the city. Raises for relocation. City tax abatements. No cash
bonuses, but it could be done with helping with housing or children in
schools. I'd have a three-year phase-out. Give them three years to move
in and all new cops must be residents."
the Civilian Complaint Review Board: "I want a board with power to
recommend termination and suspensions outside One Police Plaza, not under
control of the NYPD."
Here is how Sharpton explains his roles in such controversial
police-related incidents as the Crown Heights riot, the arson / murder
at Freddy's Fashion Mart in Harlem, the Central Park jogger case and Tawana
Crown Heights: "I worked with Dinkins' police commissioner Lee Brown
in Crown Heights when violence started. He Brown asked me to walk streets
to keep calm. The second day the family of Gavin Cato the child struck
and killed by a Hasidic Jewish driver called me. I took the family to
Gavin's body at the morgue.
"My role was absolutely vindicated by the governor's
report that said that activists like me were called on the second day
by the families whose relatives were arrested . We worked with them in
trying to get some of the people out of jail and to try to calm the situation.
The night the riot started I was not in town. To say I was is a jumble
of history. How can I incite a riot, and they blame me for something I
didn't know about?"
Freddy's: "I supported a local black businessman I knew for twenty-some
odd years to not be thrown out of the store. I picketed one day. I made
a statement in September that we cannot have white interlopers. I should
not have said white.' A statement I made in September should not have
anything to do with what happened in December. It's a real stretch."
the Central Park jogger case, in which a white woman was raped by a group
of black youths: "I was called by Michael Briscoe's grandmother,
who said he was not guilty - I got him a lawyer. He was not indicted.
He was never charged." (Briscoe pleaded guilty and was sentenced
to a year in jail for assaulting a male jogger during the rampage.)
Brawley, who claimed she was attacked and raped by a group of white men,
an allegation that investigators from the state attorney general's office
concluded was untrue, and for whom Sharpton served as what he termed an
"We don't have to prove in court that Tawana
told the truth - only that we had reason to believe that she told the
why the police need him: "Whether you like or dislike me, I represent
a constituency. They need a guy in the community like me who isn't calling
them pigs. They may not be in love with Sharpton, but he appeals through
the system, and isn't trying to burn it down."